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  1. Yup, just gotta clarify a few things. Talking to you on Discord ;)
  2. Go with the only designer you can trust. I've never had an unsatisfied customer, so come see what it's all about! Since vouches from other forums don't count here, I'm offering TWO vouches to reputable members on this forum. The only thing I ask from you is a honest review, and patience. I have a lot of clients, and the average thread design takes a few hours. 1/2 Vouches Left. Contact me if you'd like one! Add me on Discord. ImIvanI#4476
  3. So, in honor of my adjustment to this forum; I've decided to make a simple wallpaper pack for, including 8 unique textured designs. You can check them out below! Let me know if you like these types of things, they take two seconds to make. Here's a preview of the wallpapers: Here's a download to the wallpapers. [hide]!aGxkmYBR!v2W6TtM2g0VYlFUjrcVEKKx6j6vchlwoMPt0stJmKrc[/hide] Design thread opening up soon.
  4. Thanks! I'll take a look at the rules section. Am I able to place my graphic thread into the services section on the marketplace? Sure, but you need 10 (or maybe 20?) posts to submit a thread in the "normal marketplace" or an upgrade to skip the requirement and gaining the ability to post in the premium marketplace. Thanks man! I'm upgrading right now. Let me know if you'd like a vouch copy once my service is up.
  5. Thanks! I'll take a look at the rules section. Am I able to place my graphic thread into the services section on the marketplace?
  6. Hey everybody! My name is Ivan, and I'm coming from (which not many of you seem to like.) I'm a graphic designer, and have been making TD's for most users on the website. After 4 months of running my business, I've now become the most reputable graphics designer on Nulled. (ask finn! he's pretty big on the forum.) Anyhow, I think I'll be purchasing a rank soon, and setting up shop here as well. I'd love to know some rules, since some forums don't allow discord or skype. Other than that, this seems like a pretty nice forum. PM me if you need a thread design, I'll be dropping my portfolio soon. Thanks for having me, and I seriously look forward to being on here!