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Everything posted by shadowarc

  1. Stacked with the good stuff huh must check :pogchamp:
  2. One must like a post they like :feelsgood:
  3. Is it really 20gb :thinking: welp 1 way to find out :hype:
  4. Low-key wanted to see if anyone i know has their account here
  5. Just out of curiosity what songs would you fuck to. Mine is: Or nah by Ty Dolla, weeknd or those RnB Songs where ya boi is crying in the rain praising the pussy :fiesta:
  6. Them RnB Music w/ rap is my jam :fiesta:
  7. :fiesta: These Hands of Mine Shall Break Thank You
  8. Wonder if Kassiedw is on this list, only 1 way to find out