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Everything posted by nopeAZU

  1. oke yeah so u using the vouches from my profile for ur threads i think u can close this trash scam report....
  2. he just copied a vouch from one of my products :fuck:
  3. @Jocker i dont see why this is a scam. I paid for it and now i own it, i can do with it what i want :??:
  4. Do u giving Vouch Copys of this Product ?
  5. I paid for this Site and i alredy took the offer down after Ankrad DMed me.
  6. I can understand that you have have suffered a loss from that scam, but the customers have nothing to do about that loss. You will have to pay that money back and talk it out with your partner about the missing money. Since he was the one to trust the wrong person then that is his fault, but most certainty not the buyers. You have 24 hours to refund them There are several factors that you have to take into account 1 nopeazu LIE (it clearly shows that he does not pay me) 2 EYE LIES -> He told with noisyboy (he does not pay me and he opened a dispute) 3 The payment 300$ are blocked in Paypal (therefore it is already returned) 4 I have already sent subs to clients 5 The software bought half and VPS I do not have access (noisiboy not share) 6 Noisyboy has me banned from the server I return to the same, noisyboy no shows evidence of being scammed and I show proof that I sent money and there is nothing I sent the log so you could check dates and it was clear OK STOP IT. I DONT FUCKING LIE EVERYONE REPLYED TO THIS THREAD GOT SCAMMED! I WANT MY FUCKING MONEY BACK I SPEND ON THIS SHIT AND ALSO I DIDNT RECIVED ANY SUBS I BOUGHT.
  7. How much would be a Spotify upgrader website ?
  8. I just want my fucking money back