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  1. JonyScul


    Welcome, Twonyce. Enjoy your stay!
  2. JonyScul

    pro gfx

    Deal! Such a masterpiece you got
  3. There are some tutorials around here.
  4. What is your goal? Web development, Frontend, Backend, User interface, Database, OS, etc. After that you will find what skills you will need. My field of interesting is Reverse Engineering, so for that you need: Assembly (Intel, ARM, etc) Scripting Language to automate some tasks How to use diferent tools like a Disassembly, Decompiler, Deobfuscator, Unpacker, etc File formats, Types of exploits, OS Internals, etc, etc (endless list)
  5. Everything is a Drug. Some are legal...
  6. Dunno why but I can't play. The page just reloads...
  7. No way the bat came first lol
  8. Cheat for mobile games has great potencial too
  9. JonyScul

    Pug intro :)

    Welcome, Pug. Enjoy your stay!
  10. That made me remember a reddit post "My dominos account was just hacked, and my free pizza from points was used" :pepo: