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Everything posted by darksh33p

  1. depend on what you want to go after. using python will mean u have to worry about python modules like requests or selenium.. almost always someone already do the work and have a config. if u learn about http u can write configs simply.
  2. google make this information public in documentation.. check this: https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/getstarted as for IDE, u problably wont need that because its just html and js. can use notepad if u want but i like geany https://www.geany.org/
  3. u might also need to install request[socks] module if using older version requests module
  4. sometime recaptcha just really really hate tor. try switching ur exit node.
  5. hahahahahahaha LOIC? for 2019? u trolling? seriously? that tool is so old. u know ddos means botnet right? no stressing from single computer.... sorry but this is weak. tools not worth the time. 2019 is about botnet not single computer stressers.
  6. u need use fiddler to analyze HTTP traffic to see if app use web for license request... what type of program is it? with reversing u need to start with simple steps to first know which route to take for reversing the target app. if C# it can be very easy to reverse if u know how to use any decent debugger. if target using C++ it can also be easy but not as easy as C# because you MUST kno assembly which can be more complicated. 1. start with HTTP fiddler to see if any traffic can be useful for you to understand licensing an if they validate stuff on web request 2. look at interesting strings in the app that may tell u how it was coded in or anything else useful 3. decide approach based off these two things. If it a .NET app then u use a .NET debugger to disassemble the code so can read it. if kno what u are doing then can reassemble with fix to bypass licensing. 4. if not .NET app then got to use something like ollydbg or immunity debugger. understand what assembly telling u then see if bypass certain part of the app by changing stuff like JE (jump if equal) to JNE (jmp no equal). need to understand how to interfere with program flow by change assembly to get you into parts of the program not supposed to be. like activate app if license not valid. above is for simple apps. not app with complicated license and anti debugger measures. no expert..... still learning every day but DM me if want help looking at something or read books :smart:
  7. pleb as fuck question but we were all there at a point :smart: . dork are specially crafted search query to a search engine to find specific information. example if you want find sql injectable websites in google you run something lik this search filetype:php inurl:id this will find potential vuln sites for sql injection. you use dork with dumper script or program to automate sql injection to get password for making custom combo to use with your checkers :fiesta:
  8. depend on project but normally dont need IDE feature like compiler / debugger. i prefer geany or vim.