Profile link:
Ban date: Just now about 2 minutes ago
Reason of the ban: Leeching
Who banned you: Hans69
Did you read the forum rules after being banned:(Yes/No) Yes, I did.
Why do you think that you should be unbanned: Well I never started to leech again I already got banned once for it and I stopped doing it, I started making more creative posts and not like "Thank you" but I sometimes did those posts like "Thanks" and stuff. I always liked the posts and everything. I just started making my profile and creating threads and they were doing good until I got randomly banned while I was about to make a proxy thread. Yes I don't think this ban was fair, since I already got banned and I stopped doing this stuff.
Additional information: I don't know what this is. If you can explain I can give you some type of additional information.
I am truly sorry somehow leeching and I will like every post and make creative posts, I always see people typing "thxxxxxxxxx" and stuff and they don't get banned. :( I reported some guy that was making fake combolists with links in them. I downloaded one of them and it was just a 0 byte .txt when it needed to be a 600k combolist.
And if I will be still banned can I do threads and other stuff on another account or is that not allowed? :/