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  1. She sure does seem to be the one that everyone loves.
  2. She gets a bad rap for some reason, but I'm not sure why. I think she's great.
  3. I've got to agree with some of the previous posts that say C is the right place to start. If you really want to understand what you're writing (assuming you're not just copy/pasting from Google/StackOverflow), C is the correct way of doing it. Sure, it is a beast in its own right, but I do find that it helps you understand the basic principles better than any other language can. Plus, the vast majority of things are built using some derivative of C, so it just makes sense.
  4. Oh boy, that's a tough question to answer. More than anything, I think you're asking the wrong question. Rather than ask what language to start with, I'd focus on the principles behind what you're doing (i.e. boolean algebra, data structures, iteration). Once you learn these principles, I find it quite easy to pick up on any language you'd like—it's merely a matter of learning syntax at that point. Although I know many might disagree, and they do have valid points, I would start with Java. I say this because I find the syntax very explicit, making it much easier for beginners to read source code and understand what the source code is actually attempting to do. I also think Java is well suited for beginners as it is strongly typed, leading to less confusion when you find out you're dealing with some type you never would have expected.
  5. I'm quite glad someone found one with Asa, I've been looking for her for awhile.
  6. I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to say other than thank you—although if someone more seasoned here could direct me to some rules, I'd appreciate it.