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leak [SOURCE CODE] Spectrum Spotify Checker
0xwarning replied to Josesitoponpello's topic in Source codes
Was A Very good checker -
good job but soon you will have the hang of twitch
Proxy Rotation [Learn C#] Basic Proxy Rotation [hide] Step 1 Make C# Console Application Step 2 First Lets Define Some Vars private static List Proxies = new List(); private static Queue proxyQueue = new Queue(); private static string proxies = "proxies.txt"; Step 3 Load The Proxies (Personally I Would not use regex for proxy loading but oh well as who really likes regex lmao) Program.Proxies = new List(from tx in File.ReadLines(Program.proxies) where Regex.Match(tx, "\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3}:\\d{1,5}").Success select tx); foreach (string item2 in Program.Proxies) { Program.proxyQueue.Enqueue(item2); } Step 4 Put the load proxies into a try loop to avoid errors. try { Program.Proxies = new List(from tx in File.ReadLines(Program.proxies) where Regex.Match(tx, "\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3}:\\d{1,5}").Success select tx); foreach (string item2 in Program.Proxies) { Program.proxyQueue.Enqueue(item2); } } catch { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Failed to load proxies!(Place proxies.txt next to the .exe)", Color.Red); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(1); } Step 5 See If We Have Loaded Some Proxies Console.WriteLine("Loaded " + Program.Proxies.Count + " Proxies"); Console.Read(); Step 6 Make A Loop for the proxies for (; ; ) { foreach (string item in Program.Proxies) { Program.proxyQueue.Enqueue(item); } string text; do { text = Program.proxyQueue.Dequeue(); } while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)); Console.WriteLine(text); } Step 7 Import Into Your Checker and set the Proxy httpRequest.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(text); Step 8 Thats It Remember to Either put this into a function and have it return the proxy. Or In the for loop add your checker code there [/hide]
Im back with another thread. Today learn how to get a auth token from a site. [hide] Step One First Find A Site CTRL+SHIFT+I Then Navigate to Network Step Two You should Notice Something Will Popup in networks tab Like This Sort through them until you find something that looks like a login (Only way i can explain) Step Three Open Up Postman Fill in The Info Like This Press Send And See if it works. If it does Continue to Step 4 Step Four Not Providing Full Source Or You will Not Learn Now make a using statement with HttpRequest Like Below. using (HttpRequest httpRequest = new HttpRequest()) { } Step Five To add custom headers Some Services Require certain headers (See Step Seven) httpRequest.AddHeader("Header", "Value"); Step Six Now We Can Find Cookies And Search For Specific Ones For Example See Below string Cookie = httpRequest.Get("https://anonfile.com/login", (RequestParams)null).Cookies.ToString().Replace("XSRF-TOKEN=", "Token=").Replace("USERSESSID=", "\nSESSION ID=").Replace("bpva=", "\nBPVA="); // Analyse The Cookes You Need Colorful.Console.WriteLine(Cookie, Color.Green); // Now We Need To See Them Step Seven (Analyse The Request Properly) Since I Do Not Want to spoonfeed you guys. You need to learn The Data you need to do the login should be at the bottom of the network tab Preview Some Headers Are Required to login to certain sites so you need to make sure to add headers that are needed. You can use postman to help you simulate the request Preview Cookies Tab in the network tab will provide you with some cookies you may need to login to major sites (twitch, etc...) You may need a Session ID Cookie Or A Auth Cookie Preview Overall There will be more threads coming soon. Im sorry this thread is short and less indepth but i will make it up to you guys soon. Leave Suggestions On What i Should Do A Tutorial On Next [/hide]
[supreme] 394K HQ Email:Pass Combo | HQ for Everything !!!
0xwarning replied to Flash's topic in Combolists
You sig it very cool @Flash -
4Shared Cracker Source with another GOOD Threading (Not Kekd)
0xwarning replied to AnimuCracku's topic in C#, C++ & VB.net
Would like to see the threading tbh -
If you have ever wanted to learn c# for multiple purposes. Then here is your answer. [hide] Lets Get Started You Will Need Visual Studio. Make Sure To Have C# Installed. So I'm Currently using a windows form. Have A Layout of what you want but here is mine for an example. Make Three RadioButtons Name Them radioRed, radioGreen, radioBlue Add A Panel Called colorPanel Now Add a button Code Panel Color if (radioRed.Checked == true) // If Red Is Checked { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.?; //Hint [in The Name] } if (radioBlue.Checked == true) // If Blue Is Checked { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.?; //Hint [in The Name] } if (radioGreen.Checked == true) // If Green Is Checked { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.?; //Hint [in The Name] } Now try to make it change the panel color I Have Left Some Hints If Successful here is the code you should have if (radioRed.Checked == true) // If Red Is Checked { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.Red; // Color } if (radioBlue.Checked == true) // If Blue Is Checked { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.Blue; // Color } if (radioGreen.Checked == true) // If Green Is Checked { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.Green; // Color //Hint [Pretty Obvs] } Now try to make it change the panel color to a color you want and add a extra RadioButton if (radioMyColor.Checked == true) // If My Color Is Checked { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.Lime; // Custom Color } We Can Also Make a ComboBox And A List Box To Change The Panel Color Simply edit the items like this Add Some Colors Double Click the ComboBox if (metroComboBox2.SelectedItem == "?") // Check If text == { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.?; // Color } if (metroComboBox2.SelectedItem == "?") // Check If text == { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.?; // Color } if (metroComboBox2.SelectedItem == "?") // Check If text == { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.?; // Color } Now Add a listbox add the same items if (metroListbox1.SelectedItem == "?") // Check If text == { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.?; // Color } if (metroListbox1.SelectedItem == "?") // Check If text == { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.?; // Color } if (metroListbox1.SelectedItem == "?") // Check If text == { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.?; // Color } Your Code Should Come Out Like This Combo Box if (ComboBox2.SelectedItem == "Blue") { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.Blue; } if (ComboBox2.SelectedItem == "Green") { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.Green; } if (ComboBox2.SelectedItem == "Red") { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.Red; } // For Custom Color if (ComboBox2.SelectedItem == "Lime") { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.Lime; } List Box if (metroListbox1.SelectedItem == "Blue") { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.Blue; } if (metroListbox1.SelectedItem == "Green") { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.Green; } if (metroListbox1.SelectedItem == "Red") { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.Red; } // For Custom Color if (metroListbox1.SelectedItem == "Lime") { colorPanel.BackColor = Color.Lime; } Now We Are Going to Attempt To Use A Color Picker Now Select A Unused Button Don't Forget To Add These colorDialog1.ShowDialog(); // Shows Color Dialog colorPanel.BackColor = colorDialog1.Color; // Sets Selected Color We Are Done Please Leave Feedback on what i should do next The Code will eventually get better. im just doing simple code at first so people can understand Extra Button And A List View Add This Code Into The Button openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); // File Dialog openFileDialog1.FileName.ToString(); // Get File Name string[] row = { openFileDialog1.FileName.ToString()}; var listViewItem = new ListViewItem(row); listView1.Items.Add(listViewItem); // Display File Name Next Thread Will Contain More File Functions I Hope You Enjoyed The Thread [/hide]
If you have ever wanted to learn c# for multiple purposes. Then here is your answer. [hide] Lets Get Started You Will Need Visual Studio. Make Sure To Have C# Installed. So I'm Currently using a windows form modified by devexpress. Have A Layout of what you want but here is mine for an example. Make A Listview, Two Labels And Two Buttons Now Add Three Columns In The List View Like This Code Button To Grab The Text File try { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); // Create New OFD ofd.Filter = "TXT files|*.txt"; // Only Accept Txt ofd.Title = "Load Accounts"; // Title Of OFD var dialogResult = ofd.ShowDialog(); // OFD ShowDiag Var if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK) // If Ok { foreach (var line in System.IO.File.ReadLines(ofd.FileName)) // Read LInes Of File { if (line.Contains(":")) // if Contaions { string Username = line.Split(':')[0].Trim(); // Splits example ( user:password:rank ) Into ( user ) string Password = line.Split(':')[1].Trim(); // Splits example ( user:password:rank ) Into ( password ) string Extra = line.Split(':')[2].Trim(); // Splits example ( user:password:rank ) Into ( Rank ) string[] row = { Username, Password, Extra }; // Make a row to be added into collums ( user password rank ) var listViewItem = new ListViewItem(row); // Make A New Var To Add Row listView1.Items.Add(listViewItem); // Finally Add The Items } } } Statuslbl.Text = "Status > Success"; } catch { Statuslbl.Text = "Status > Failed"; } Button To Remove Dupes try { var streamR = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(@"users.txt")); // File We Are Removing Dupes From var streamW = new StreamWriter(File.OpenWrite(@"usersDupeRemove.txt")); // New File We Write var lines = new HashSet(); while (!streamR.EndOfStream) // While Not EndOfStream { string line = streamR.ReadLine(); // ReadLine int hashcode = line.GetHashCode(); // Create Hash Code var & Get Hash Code if (lines.Contains(hashcode)) // If Contains Hash { continue; } lines.Add(hashcode); streamW.WriteLine(line); // Write Whats stored in line } streamW.Flush(); // Clear Buffers streamW.Close(); // Close Writer streamR.Close(); // Close Reader Weblbl.Text = "File > Cleaned"; } catch { Weblbl.Text = "File > Failed"; } Hope You Have Enjoyed This Thread. Please Leave Feedback [/hide]
If you have ever wanted to learn c# for multiple purposes. Then here is your answer. [hide] Lets Get Started You Will Need Visual Studio. Make Sure To Have C# Installed. So I'm Currently using a windows form. Have A Layout of what you want but here is mine for an example. Make Sure the listbox is names lstOutput or adapt it in your code to your list box name. Code Integers And Strings. Max Int Value And Max int value int intA = 10; int intB = 20; int intC = 50; int intD = 25; int intRes = intA + intB * intC - intD; string resstr = "Result of "; string maxstr = "C "; // Hint Max Int Value string minstr = "D "; // Hint Opposite The Max string resultstring = resstr + intA.ToString() + " + " + intB.ToString() + " X " + intC.ToString() + " - " + intD.ToString() + " = " + intRes.ToString(); lstOutput.Items.Add(resultstring); lstOutput.Items.Add(maxstr + int.intC); // Hint int.M lstOutput.Items.Add(minstr + int.intD); Basic Thread i will adapt to this in a couple of days. Now try to make the code display Max And Min Int Value I Have Left Some Hints If Successful here is the code you should have int intA = 10; // ADD int intB = 20; // ADD int intC = 50; // Times int intD = 25; // Subtract int intRes = intA + intB * intC - intD; // Result string resstr = "Result of "; // Text Displaying The Result string maxstr = "Max int value "; // Text Displaying Max Int Value string minstr = "Min int value "; // Text Displaying Min Int Value string resultstring = resstr + intA.ToString() + " + " + intB.ToString() + " X " + intC.ToString() + " - " + intD.ToString() + " = " + intRes.ToString(); // Putting it all together to look cleaner when calling the string lstOutput.Items.Add(resultstring); // AddTo ListBox And Displays ResultString lstOutput.Items.Add(maxstr + int.MaxValue); // AddTo ListBox And Displays Max int lstOutput.Items.Add(minstr + int.MinValue); // AddTo ListBox And Displays Min Int [/hide]
Learn C# | Crackers/Checkers I will provide you with some techniques you may or may not know. I hope this will help you increase your cpm or your tools functionality. Anyway lets get started. [hide] Disclaimer i am sorry if this is poorly written and somethings don't seem right. Im just very high. Also the code can not just be c & p it will require you to have some knowledge or to know how to google shit. Threading Many people may not already know that using a thread pool can increase productivity in your tool. Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Function)); // As You Can See Its just like normal threading ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(100, 100); // But Except you can expand your Worker Threads and Completion Threads //MinThreads ^^^, ^^^ Completion Threads It is not recomended to use 200+ threads unless you have a decent rig or rdp Usually people will //Have The Thread Started //Or //Start The Thread Here //Most popular way people do threading //Is Using Parallel Options ParallelOptions parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 200 }; // You Would need to set MaxDegreeOfParallelism to a number higher than the ammount of threads you are using // example //ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(100, 100); so (int, int) left side is minumim worker threads ParallelOptions parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 200 // So if we set a max ammount so we can make the program more stable }; To also expand on the method provided above you want something now to filter through the lists being accounts to seriels // What i would do is make parrallel loop through the list // so we would use a foreach // the reason why i put is because thats what we are working with. Parallel.ForEach(list, parallelOptions, delegate(string[] AccList)// Varible { try { //if Successful then try to display them in console //or in a list box if you are using forms } catch { //if there is a error log it either txt or messagebox } //but dont forget to stop the current thread }); If you are using forms try this because it will stop the form from being unresponsive and freeze when threading var list = new List(); list = File.ReadAllLines(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "combo.txt").ToList(); Task.Run(() => { Parallel.For(0, list.Count, new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 300 }, i => { try { //try webrequest Console.Writeline("Success: " + list[i]); } catch (webexception exc) { //catch fail exception Console.WriteLine("Failed: " + list[i]); } }); }); Im cutting this guide short but i will eloborate on more usefull code in a new thread If you learned something or enjoyed my thread You know what to do [/hide]