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Everything posted by BabiKoqii_APPEAL

  1. Email: Country: Kosovo/Albania but in ip sometime says serbia City: Prishtina ISP: Kujtesa Net
  2. The thing is it wasnt my program i dont know coding that well i only made 2 checkers the tunnelbear one, and spotify and of course the proxy checker but that was uploaded after i was ratted Although i still don't understand how someone got into my account, i even had 2fa on. Edit: might have been with cookies
  3. Profile link: Ban date:06.22.2019 Reason of the ban:security issue Who banned you: @Vassilios Did you read the forum rules after being banned:Yes Why do you think that you should be unbanned: because i didnt have anything to do with the reason i got banned Additional information:the past coupple of days i was RATTED by a kid. So i dont think i had anything to do with the reason i got banned