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Posts posted by epicboyxp

  1. Please note: I no shape or form wrote this, I found this on another forum and thought of sharing it for educational purposes, If this was posted here before, then I'm sorry.


    Like the thread for more SE tips and tricks, and so I get motivation to edit this thread to add more SE tips that I find.





    ty for this, appreciate it






                  Config Pack:--


                ********Guys do support me by liking my Post. More giveaways coming soon :comfy:


    hilton honors crackable with storm? also how do u check the points of the account

  3. Dont forget to lib like all creds goes to mesvak cz i m the on who is leeching them XD  kek.png kek.png hype.png hype.png


    respect  me with u r fucking likes lils  monkas.png monkas.png

    respect  me with u r fucking likes lils  monkas.png monkas.png

    respect  me with u r fucking likes lils  monkas.png monkas.png


    does anyone know a hilton honors checker or something

  4. This zip is a compilation of 409 storm configurations I have collected, came across and made my self (72/409).


    Please hit a like if you find it useful. It doesn't cost you anything but means a lot to the OP.






    anyone know if hilton honors has a checker or something?

  5.  Version [2019] 



    - Performance/MVVM Improvements.

    - Added Donors List in a new page to appreciate them.

    - Added Support for Solving Different type of Captchas by Different Captcha Solving Services/Tools, Make your Own Captcha Solver Config and Solve Captchas By just Using 'Captcha' Function in the main config.


    - Added Support for Loading an Account List for the Captcha Solver Config, Load Bulk of Accounts to not get stopped for a low-balance account.


    - Added Support for Putting an Asterisk (*) instead of Numbers in Variable- Config keys. NOTE: The line orders of Variables matters as it don't read variables by the ordered numbers. Numbered Variables are still supported.


    - Added Support for putting Byte Array (byte[]) In PostContent.

    - Added 'Type' key for Stages and supports 'Socket' and 'HttpImageOnly' types, Stages with 'Socket' Type will not Send Any Requests automatically by itself and Stages with 'HttpImageOnly' and the 'StageXXResponseImage' Variable is used to Recieve an Image and get it's bytes within an HTTP/s Request.


    - Added 'For' and 'While' Keywords, The same as C#, Loop through Variables and Functions/Codes as much as you want.

    - Added 'Advanced View' for Debug Logs, Makes you able to Use Syntax Highlight / Find Text / HTML Viewer.

    - Added 'Stop' feature to be able to Stop Running Debug Config/Stage.

    - Added 'Captcha' Function.

    - Added 'GenerateOAuth' Function, Generate OAuth Header Lines and Signatures.

    - Added 'Shuffle' and 'Random' Functions, Generate PURE Random Numbers/Strings/User-Agents/Device-Models/Bytes and Headers and Shuffle the lines.


    - Added 'Invoke' Function, Invoke different methods of different types directly.

    - Added 'GetPropertyValue' Function, Gets a specific property value of the Input Variable Type.

    - Added 'Convert' Function, Returns an object of a specified type whose value is equivalent to a specified object.

    - Added 'SocketClient', 'SocketClientWrite', 'SocketClientRead', 'SocketClientReadToEnd', 'SocketClientReadToDelimiter', 'SocketClientReadToCount', 'SocketClientPrintData', 'SocketClientClearData' and 'SocketClientDisconnect' Functions, Make your own Socket Requests Directly and Totally Customized/Managed.


    - Added 'Bytes' and 'ArrayCopy' Functions, Create Byte Arrays and manage them.

    - Added 'GenerateAESKey' Function, Generate RFC2898 AES Keys.

    - Added 'CallIf' Function, Call/Execute Another function and return the value if the Provided Condition matched.

    - Added 'StringFormat' and 'ToString' Functions, Google "C# String.Format" and "C# ToString" for more info.

    - Added 'GetDateTime' Function, Returns the Current Date/Time or Provided Timestamp's Date/Time.

    - Added Support for Getting Provided Date/Time UnixTime to the 'UnixTime' Function.

    - Added 'RemoveDuplicates' Function, Remove Duplicate Words/Specific Words or Lines of the Provided String.

    - Added 'List' and 'ListAdd' Functions, Represents C# System.Collections.Generic.List object.

    - Added 'Dictionary' and 'DictionaryAdd' Functions, Represents C# System.Collections.Generic object.

    - Added 'HashTable' and 'HashTableAdd' Functions, Represents C# System.Collections.Hashtable object.

    - Added 'KeyValuePair' Function, Represents C# KeyValuePair object, Can be used to Add Items to Dictionaries and HashTables and more.

    - Added 'MultiPartFormDataContent' and 'FileParameter' Functions, Generate MultiPartFormData, Also supports File Parameter. Returns a Byte Array (byte[])


    - Added 'GetItemAt' and 'SetItemAt' Functions, Get and Set Items to Lists/HashTables/Arrays and Dictionaries  at Specific index/key.

    - Added 'SimpleJsonWriter' Function, Returns Json Text by providing HashTable.

    - Added 'FromCharCode' Function, Converts Unicode values into characters.

    - Added 'JavascriptStringEncode' and 'JavaScriptStringDecode' Functions.

    - Added 'Contains', 'NotContains', 'EqualEx' and 'NotEqualEx' Functions, Compare Several Strings to the Source with one function.

    - Added Support For HmacSHA224 Hash Generation.

    - Added Support for Bytes input types for the "PBKDF2-HMAC" function.

    - Added Support for Bytes Input types for the "HMAC" Function.

    - Added Support for Hex output of "GetString" Function.

    - Added Support for Specifying The Encoding in 'URLEncode'/'URLDecode' Functions.

    - Added 'Play Sound On Hits' Feature, You can also change the sound to what you want. (Separated for each worker).

    - Added and Used New Powerful List Controls that makes you to also Filter Items in like a boss by Microsoft Excel's ways.

    - Added 'DeepSkip' General Config Option, 'DeepSkip = True' will Also Skip the Variable Execution and The Conditions of The Skipped Stages, Default is False.


    - Used a new Encryption key for Encrypted Configs (Old Encrypted Configs are still usable)

    - Fixed FTP Configs cannot be run with 2 or more threads.

    - Fixed "Delete Worker" button was not disposing/releasing some resources.

    - Fixed The Start button is not doing anything because of the invalid chars in "HitsFolderName" (Removes invalid chars from "HitsFolderName").


    - Fixed Configs was not being loaded if you opened STORM via Start menu.

    - Fixed 'Copy All' and 'Save All' Buttons now Get the Items from Database to not be limited to the Max. List items (1000).

    - Fixed Delete Worker button now Disposes Objects.

    - Fixed GetBytes / GetString minor issue with the Destination/Source Encoding.

    - Removed 'JsonSerialize' Function.




    [update] Compilations 345 Configs all working / shoping / gaming / music / streaming/










    thanks a lot. does anyone know a checker to see how many points the acc has?

  6. Warning : This is very Basic tutorial for Beginners






    Download BlackBullet 2.5.1




    At last If you liked enjoyed and learned from this 


    I Will be doing more Tutorials 


    Leeching with a ' Ty ' will get you reported. 


    Edit your post for a serious feedback I'd appreciate it 


    thanks! always wanted to learn how to crack so i can stop paying for accounts