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  1. appreciate your share :)
  2. @Jocker i think they took the $ as fees that's why he didn't recieve them please close this thread and sorry for wasting your time guys
  3. bro i am sure i sent the money to the wallet provided by your website why didn't you received it ! that's the only thing i want to know m sure you won't refund me i just want a clarification ( @canonser sent me a free upgrade so you can keep the money )
  4. it doesn't make sense at all here is my side of proof : http://prntscr.com/o7yhmi what you can say now !!
  5. Just confirm is this your wallet or not ? : http://prntscr.com/o7yfwx if not then your scam site forced me to send payment to another wallet and rip my 6$
  6. if i didn't pay for it why they took 6$ out of my balance then ? http://prntscr.com/o7ye50
  7. stop making these fake pictures and proof it from your btc wallet history that you didn't receive any money from this wallet : 1AFf2oviSu5Nho3tftcpmDzh3HYjkxMXcA your website didn't even send me my key when i paid and now i have to trust it !!
  8. stop faking the things up i purchased through your scam site ( https://cheapify.cc ) don't show me pictures which we don't know the source of the either this is the proof of the transaction i made to the wallet shown in your website : https://www.blockchain.com/btc/tx/045fb3121f2707130df6a3a2562adfbe7e106891a301e94ce98a1369e1e027b5 i was wrong in the first place when i trusted in your fake website and fake service
  9. Username: Kitten Profile Link:https://cracked.to/member.php?action=profile&uid=11581 Short Description Of Product/Service: Cheapify.cc ( spotify upgrade service ) Thread of sales: https://cracked.to/Thread-SUPREME-1-25-CHEAPIFY-CC-%E2%97%8F-CHEAP-LIFETIME-SPOTIFY-UPGRADE-AUTOMATED-WEBSITE-%E2%97%8F-PAYPAL-B Amount scammed: $ 6.08 details : contacted him after not receiving any key then he claimed that i didn't pay the fees : http://prntscr.com/o7uszn but the screenshot shows the truth http://prntscr.com/o7utrs
  10. password for rar file ?