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  1. Interested. But I need to know more about the service
  2. That's actually very very intersting, I, ll do an account right away!!!! Thanks
  3. Well, i started refunding amazon last month, 3rd June. I loved it and earned about €600 from it, which helped me a lot in life. Account got blacklisted on 29th. CC apparently blacklisted so I called bank and they will issue a new one in a couple of days. Problem is if keep requesting a new Cc every month, they will surely see it as fishy and I'm afraid they will investigate. What can I do? Maybe have accounts in 2-3 different banks so each month I call a different bank and It seems less fishy? (new CC every 3 months vs new CC every month). Or is there an online CC service I can use to mask my real CC number? Thanks
  4. What can I do? I already reported my credit card stolen, I will receive a new one in a couple of days. But I'm afraid they blacklisted my address? What can I do? Say I moved in yesterday? Try to modify address and use vpn? I don't have Amazon Locker near me. Help pls.
  5. whats your discord im going to purchase but will need a OTP Branc93#5243 Branc93#5243
  6. I have amazon account, 2013, with 10+ legit orders and $138.40 balance in gift cards, will sell for $20 - - - > Https://asscrack.selly.store
  7. I have amazon account, 2013, with 10+ legit orders and $138.40 balance in gift cards, will sell for $20 - - - > Https://asscrack.selly.store
  8. Can anyone lend me €10 please? I'll give you back 15 within a very short time.
  9. Gift card balance must be over €200. Contact me here, thanks.
  10. Want almost free shit? £800 laptop for £80? Fuck Amazon Service. 4U What you need before contacting me : An already arrived order fulfilled by Amazon. Bitcoin or Amazon Gift Card I NEED AMAZON ACCOUNT ACCESS REMOVE YOUR CC AND ADDRESSES DETAILS AND SHIT BEFORE SO YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT Doing Vouch Copies. 2 available. Don't ask for vouch copies if you have no delivered orders ready to be refunded. Discord : Branc#5243
  11. A$$CRACK

    Help ASAP

    With failed amazon refund.
  12. It's $250 on amazon 15% of 250 = 37.5 so 37.5 Amazon 10% no? :fiesta:
  13. Will edit this and replace it with a vouch once he refunds my order on 24th or 25th June. Placeholder.