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Posts posted by fpsnick

  1. Greetings All !

    This is going to be my very first thread and I hope to give out my best.


    Who The Fuck Is FPSNick?

    I am a Well-Repped cracker for the past 2 years and I have been posting on crackingking.com and active on various cracking discord servers but it seems like that community is dying so I want to move to a more fresh environment.


    100+Likes In CrackingKing.com - https://crackingking.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=231917

    Level Spartan - OddFog (Discord Server)


    How Does It Work?


    You give me a particular country or name for which you want combo, i.e. you want it for USA and you want it for the name alex, then i will give you 10k+ combo of that name, in email:pass format. for example - [email protected]:lol1234 and etc.


    Are they randomly generated ?


    No, I have done lots of sqli dumping and have 1.5+ Billion Email:Pass combos and they are all sorted.


    Why Do It For Free ?


    First I want to gain rep++ to sell them into the market. Consider this a beta/trial/vouch run.


    Are The Accounts HQ?


    It entirely depends upon the name and country you choose and usually they are HQ. I get tons of hits for spotify, netflix, WWE, HULU, Crunchyroll and etc. 

    I would say the hit rate is 50-100 per 1000/EmailCombos


    Who All Can Try This Service?


    Any Premium or Higher User can try this service, free of cost.


