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    Need this. Want to read on elon musk latest ebook
  2. I want to share this to my lecturer too XD
  3. Need this for my boring thesis urgh :/
  4. Appreciate this. Gonna try it for wink wink n blink blink
  5. You're the only reliable person who can provide valid Scribd accounts. TQ AGAIN. Imma share this to my bff

    10X Scribd

    Appreciate the findings. Would definitely benefit my thesis research
  7. thank you. i got logged out on my current one. well, it says update payment details.
  8. working 6 times this month O.O this should be worth a look
  9. dont have much hope, mainly because im in malaysia and feel like it wont work here. BUT lego
  10. Need this for ma thesis, even though it's public holiday:(
  11. need this for my accounts thesis :/ appreciate it
  12. i wont lie, kinda doubt that it'll work but i'll give it a go