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Everything posted by zencudo

  1. i'll do my best in the next weeks
  2. Profile link: here Ban date: 06/06/2019 Reason of the ban: Leeching Who banned you: not mentioned Did you read the forum rules after being banned: Yes Why do you think that you should be unbanned: Because i am studying and i didn't really have the time to share and contribute with this community. Additional information: i am at unversity and i have exams in 3 weeks too.
  3. will see is they work ! EDIT : no one work
  4. i posted a ban appeal thank you very much the prob is that i was studying well i till do i don't have much time with univ am not a lot at home so don't have what to share :/ so idk what to do then
  5. I had an account with the name Lucifermorningstar i've been banned yesterday with no reason i can see it's marked for leeching i never leached anything all i've done here is find a spotify & hulu account for my self and a friend of mine and i contributed once giving away some spotify accounts i've got myself with a checker so i don't know what i could've done wrong please help :pepe: and also i was studiying so i didn't had time for contibuting i was waiting for summer to come and do my best
  6. where can we post unban request i've been banned on my account Lucifermorningstar with a reason a leech but i've never leached i don't even know what that means all i've done with this website is get a Spotify & Hulu account and tried to get a netflix one but never could so ? what did i do wrong ??