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Posts posted by BWF

  1. Edited-Bunifu-Social-App.png









    Release date: 8th March, 2019


        Added Bunifu ToolTip component New Feature [see documentation]

        Added Bunifu User Control New Feature [see documentation]

        Added Bunifu DataGridView control Dll migration

        Added Embedded XML documentation


        Bunifu Checkbox:

            Added property AllowBindingControlColorChanges that enables/disables changing the fore color of any checkbox-bound control.


        Bunifu Form Dock:

            Added ability to apply drop-shadows to borderless forms by enabling the property AllowDropShadow.


        Bunifu Image Button:

            Added PerformClick method for performing clicks outside the control.

            Fixed an issue where zooming-in/out occurred even when the property Enabled was set to true. This also occurred during a click event.

            Fixed an issue where the Image Button was failing to work with user controls.


        Bunifu Label:

            Added TextFormat property that allows some standard formatting to the Label control.


        Bunifu ScrollBar:

            Added the property BindingControl that allows binding Bunifu ScrollBars to container controls e.g. Panels, FlowLayoutPanels, and DataGridViews.

    I wonder if this works

  2. devices-UI.png


    + Info:





    Bunifu UI WinForms v1.10.0.0 (10 Apr 2019) + Dataviz Advanced v1.1.1.3


    Pretty Controls and Components

    Modern beautiful controls and components for creating stunning app UI


    Carefully crafted controls & components for great user experiences

    Bring the best out of your app UI


    Optimized Performance

    Lightweight on Visual Studio & outputs optmized GUIs


    Modern Feel

    Heavily incorporates modern flat design and aspects of Metro UI


    Drag & Drop

    Drag controls and components. Begin customizing instantly


    Install & Play 

    Easy learning curve just like your normal Visual Studio tools


    Flexible Themeing

    Works with classic & modern theming


    I think this will work



    + Info:





    Bunifu UI WinForms v1.10.0.0 (10 Apr 2019) + Dataviz Advanced v1.1.1.3


    Pretty Controls and Components

    Modern beautiful controls and components for creating stunning app UI


    Carefully crafted controls & components for great user experiences

    Bring the best out of your app UI


    Optimized Performance

    Lightweight on Visual Studio & outputs optmized GUIs


    Modern Feel

    Heavily incorporates modern flat design and aspects of Metro UI


    Drag & Drop

    Drag controls and components. Begin customizing instantly


    Install & Play 

    Easy learning curve just like your normal Visual Studio tools


    Flexible Themeing

    Works with classic & modern theming

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