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Posts posted by purchaseables

  1. I am looking to only keep the US lines from my combo lists, I am uninterested in other countries since I only crack US-based shops and sites in general.


    What would be the best way to keep only US lines? Whether specific TLDs I should only keep, or other useful tricks. Just LMK, I will love you forever! :)


    I think what you are looking for is something like: https://cracked.to/Thread-CHECK-THE-QULITY-OF-UR-COMBO-DOMAIN-SORTER-THE-BEST-ONE  :hype:

  2. Well this is my first result, so don't be a Leecher and support me if you can at least using a Like





    URL : https://cracked.to/member.php
    Web Browser : Chrome
    User Name : abdulrahman12
    Password : AA112211--
    Password Strength : Medium
    User Name Field : username
    Password Field : password

    :pogchamp: :pogchamp: :pogchamp: :pogchamp: :pogchamp: :pogchamp: :pogchamp: :kek:

  3. Careful purchasing/selling from the site that has been advertised here called storer.xyz



    I contacted them in hopes of an extra place to market some accounts etc that I offer.

    I sold some accounts there, which added to my balance on the site. :hype: 


    My first payout was supposed to be on Monday this week, and no responses from admin. :pepe:


    I have opened support tickets on the site in regards to payouts and the tickets are closed as soon as opened with no response. :fuck: [/align]

    No one responds to discord account, and telegram account I was given doesn't exist anymore. :fuck:



    [align=center]p.s. this is in no way to slander, it's possible they are busy or something of the nature, but admin was very responsive to me regarding sells etc and only became silent when payout was requested.


    Anyone else having issues with them? :??: [/align]