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Everything posted by mustikas

  1. What commands are you trying to run? Just trying to get WiFi password and Just have fun with it. I created a script which puts endless loop of rickroll running in the backround. The only way to close it is to restart the computer
  2. So my school has disabled cmd and .bat files. Is there any way to get access to cmd?
  3. The name of the thread says it all. If someone has something to offer DM me on discord kuldkana#0151
  4. i showed appreciation by liking the post. You're close to 1000 likes
  5. I'm just going to mention that the guy is banned on nulled for leeching and he has had a open scam report. Some of the leaks he leeched were combos. I'll let you know in 24 hours if im able to have a paypal refund. The thing i'm wanting to say that the guy is sketchy
  6. As i said earlier i don't want a refund because im having trouble with my paypal account. You can just give me another combo.
  7. The fact that I found you on nulled doesn't mean didn't buy from your shoppy. I looked at your post on here also. But I still contacted you through discord and bought from your shoppy :smart:
  8. Haha you don't know me? How you gonna explain the discord chat
  9. Let me quote you something. "Streaming combos work amazing for Spotify". I even asked you before I bought And it's sketchy that all your combo text files have completely different names. One was like split#5 and one was like 150Kxmegacombo-email-pass Wow he even minus repped me on nulled
  10. Scammers profile link: [if Applicable] Sales Thread: Amount or Item(s) Scammed: Amount scammed 5eur Screenshots of Communication: Additional Information: The combos are absolute garbage. He is advertising them as HQ and private. They are non of it. I got 10 family accs from 100k Combo list. Thats not HQ. When asked that if he resells the same combo he stops communicating
  11. For some reason I couldn't post there. If it's needed you can delete the thread
  12. Selling spotify premium upgrades and accounts. Price for one premium upgrade is 1 eur. Premium account price is 5cent. For premium accounts only bulk offers. If you want to buy hit me up on discord: kuldkana#0151 Giving away 3 vouch copys :pepegun: