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Posts posted by Nokomkey

  1. I hope this work!! Thanks for sharing this anyway!!!

    Left a like on the post


    Thank you very much!!!


    (I'll edit if i find one that works)


    Edit: Got an error on the link (idk if you can update it; it'd be awesome, thanks!!)

  2. I hope you are doing okay, it's been two months since your post; sometimes people hide things in order to try to protect the other person (even if it turns back to bite them). I hope you are better now but i think as some said, working out can help, also taking walks or maybe even reading a great book. Spend time with friends or make new ones; find a group you enjoy being with.

  3. I think it's not about age but about finishing school for a full-time job

    when in college if you find somewhere you can work in the area you are majoring in it's great and an invaluable resource (to have the practical application of the things you are studying)