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  1. Format Firstname, Lastname, (Rank / what they do), phone number, email address and some other shit EXAMPLE: Abruzzino, Wendy SUPVY LEGAL INSTRUMENTS EXAMINER 304-625-7190 US Wendy.Abruzzino@ic.fbi.gov [hide]mega.nz/#!cBdURKjJ!Iolr3wNZJf2xVJBYt-yjrhMyaxe6gHNWQL8LZ2nxcto[/hide] i think I did this formating right idk like and I'll dump DHS <3
  2. Format Firstname, Lastname, (Rank / what they do), phone number, email address and some other shit EXAMPLE: Abruzzino, Wendy SUPVY LEGAL INSTRUMENTS EXAMINER 304-625-7190 US Wendy.Abruzzino@ic.fbi.gov [hide]mega.nz/#!cBdURKjJ!Iolr3wNZJf2xVJBYt-yjrhMyaxe6gHNWQL8LZ2nxcto[/hide] i think I did this formating right idk like and I'll dump DHS <3