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  1. I hope this is what I think it is
  2. "Do you want to check for example if 'lotusload@cracked.to' is a real email address by using an MX lookup?" exactly this. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks This is a simple guide of how to use telnet to do that, you could make a simple bash script that would automate it if you had lots to check: https://www.massmailsoftware.com/verify/help/05_commandline.html Thanks for that. And yes I do have loads to check. However, I dont know how to code. Is this something you can do for some coins?
  3. bro, do you ignore dcma reports? I need hosting that wont be taken down once the spam reports start coming in.
  4. "Do you want to check for example if 'lotusload@cracked.to' is a real email address by using an MX lookup?" exactly this. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks
  5. Hey guys, does any one know any simple script (preferably for python) with which i can validate the existence of an email on a server? I found a few but their default way was to add "smtp" or "mail" to the domain name. The problem with that is a lot of companies dont use that as their mail server so it always comes back as false. I need a script that runs an mxlookup on each domain name in the list. Thanks a lot
  6. Lotusload


    Hey guy, does any one know any simple script (preferably for python) with which i can validate the existence of an email on a server? I found a few but their default way was to add "smtp" or "mail" to the domain name. The problem with that is a lot of companies dont use that as their mail server so it always comes back as false. I need a script that runs an mxlookup on each domain name in the list. Thanks a lot
  7. For some reason kportscanner keeps crashing on my rdp. Tried it on another, same issue. Can anybody recommend a good alternative? Thanks
  8. Hello, i need a cracker for email addresses, yahoo, gmail, company emails, etc. I just basically need a soft with which i can bruteforce email lists. With or without proxies. Any suggestion would be very much appreciated. Thanks
  9. mega asking for decryption key. Please provide another link?