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About Excused

  • Birthday January 23

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  1. thank you for the share im just now trying to learn cracking and was suggested open bullet
  2. i just started using open bullet let alone started cracking could someone suggest a great tutorial for it hoping to contribute to the community after learning :) Thank you
  3. and im aiming for http proxies correct?
  4. What is the best way to get proxies if not HQ ones? is there a tool to use if so can you suggest one thanks in advance
  5. Hello I’m trying to learn how to crack and my thought was to start with sentry mba but people are telling me not to use that but not quite telling me what to use so I figured I’d make a post asking What is the best cracking tool? Thanks in advance
  6. Excused


    hello im new to the Cracked.to community im here to learn more on cracking accounts which if anyone could guide me that'd be great. im looking forward to watching the community grow :) thanks for having me