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Everything posted by ejeffay

  1. this i gotta see to beleive - thanks man
  2. i have to see this for myself - thanks a million
  3. please dont consider me as a leecher - im trying to learn so i can contribute thank you for helping
  4. wanted to take a look to see what all the hubbub was about...thank you kind sir
  5. This is literally what i was looking for when i posted in the suggestions forums - thanks so much - hopefully its not to hard to learn all of this
  6. appreciate the reply but this is a general rules of the forum - not so much a "how to get started FAQ" Guess i'll continue to browse around till i learn little by little
  7. I literally just registered and am trying to learn as much as i can about what your community does and how it does it. At first i was unsure what this community was for. I understand 'cracking' something means to go against the original publishers intent of having consumers pay for the product/software or pay for a subscription however by reading a few thread titles it doesn't seem as if it's all that simple. Where could i get started in learning and understanding all the different lingo and material that this site is offering? In the end i hope to be able to contribute the same as everyone else. I consider myself tech-saavy and i may not be the best coder however i have some background knowledge/experience in some fields. If there was an easily accesibly FAQ or something of the like it'd help new members