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Everything posted by Betski

  1. Apologies for the lack of service over the past two days, was unable to access PC so a few services went down over those days. If you would like a refund, feel free to PM me, although all services will be back up shortly. Will post an update on the website with more info. We apologise for the service downtime, all failed orders were cancelled but all services are working again. We are working hard to make sure this does not happen again, under any circumstances. Feel free to open a ticket if you would like to request a refund of your current balance or if you are after a service we do not have listed. We will try our hardest to rectify any issue you have. We are also going to be adding and updating further services in the upcoming days so be wary of new services! We appreciate your patience with this Thank you for using OGBoost!
  2. Latest Instagram Updates As Instagrams constantly updates their API and blocking the proxies we use on our accounts, some like/follower services may experience delays but we are quickly working to resolve all services and lower prices. We appreciate your patience with this as every social media service is experiencing the same issues. Site Updates We have added a lock icon on the question mark icon which marks the service titles. It is as follows: [MAX ORDER] [DELIVERY SPEED - SPEED PER DAY - REFILL (IF ANY)] Example: Instagram Followers [50K] [1H - 10K/D - R30] would indicate a 50K maximum quantity order, one hour delivery estimate which delivers 10K followers per day as well as 30 days of refill. Payment Updates We are now accepting manual Skrill & Cash App payments manually via our ticket system (Minimum: $10). Please open up a ticket if you would like to deposit via either of these methods. Thank you for your patience and support of OGBoost!
  3. As we still battle with the constant IG updates, we work on keeping services high quality and removing non working ones. Here is the service update below!
  4. Despite the recent significant IG updates, we have put up a bunch of high quality and tested services for you to use. You can find them under the 'latest news' tab on the order page. We are still working hard to put up the remaining affected services as well as introduce new service in regards to Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, so keep an eye out for that in the coming days! Thank you for your patience and for your continued support of OGBoost! Today's Service Updates
  5. New services introduced! 665 - Facebook Page Likes [25K] [1H - 2K/D - R30] ?? ? - 12.00 182 - Facebook Page Likes [50K] [6H - 10K/D - R30] [NON DROP] ?? ? - 16.60 156 - Tik Tok Views [10M] [1H - 10K/D] ? - 3.00 666 - Instagram Story Views [3K] [ALL - 1H - 3K/D] ? - 0.19 357 - Facebook Post Likes [10K] [FANPAGE ONLY - 1H - 5K/D] - 2.50 62 - Instagram Likes [10K] [1H - 10K/D] [bEST QUALITY] ?? ? - 0.90 220 - Instagram Followers [10K] [uSA - 6H - 5K/D] - 2.50 221 - Instagram Followers [10K] [uSA - 1H - 5K/D] - 4.20 233 - Instagram Followers [5K] [iNDONESIA - 12H - 2K/D - R30] - 6.50 230 - Instagram Followers [50K] [ARAB MIX - 3H - 10K/D - R30] - 2.20 231 - Instagram Followers [200K] [ARAB + IRAN - 1H - 1K/D] - 2.20 221 - Instagram Followers [10K] [uSA - 1H - 5K/D] - 4.20
  6. New IG like services added. Targeted follower service are going to be added tomorrow! 63 - Instagram Likes [20K] [iNSTANT - 5K/D] ⚡️ [sLOW] - 0.27 297 - Instagram Likes [10K] [iNSTANT - 10K/D] ⚡️ ⭐ - 0.76 303 - Instagram Auto Likes [250] [1H - 250/D] - 0.15 184 - Instagram Likes [5K] [FEMALE - 1H - 5K/D] - 1.20 194 - Instagram Likes [9.5K] [LQ USA - 1H - 9.5K/D] - 0.50 487 - Instagram Likes [10K] [uSA - 1H - 10K/D] ⭐ - 0.80 663 - Instagram Likes [5K] [bRAZIL - 1H - 5K/D] ⚡️ - 1.50 185 - Instagram Likes [100K] [RUSSIA - 1H - 1K/D] - 0.12 664 - Instagram Likes [2K] [TAIWAN - 1H - 2K/D] - 0.70 590 - Instagram Likes [7K] [ARAB - 1H - 3K/D] - 0.28 197 - Instagram Likes [10K] [ARAB GULF - 1H - 5K/D] - 0.80 187 - Instagram Likes [5.5K] [iNDONESIA - 1H - 1K/D] - 2.10 189 - Instagram Likes [30K] [TURKISH - 1H - 5K/D] - 0.35 190 - Instagram Likes [20K] [iNDIA - 1H - 20K/D] ⚡️ - 0.40 257 - Spotify Album Plays [10M] [uSA - 1H - 5K/D - R∞] ⭐ - 1.30
  7. - the cheapest and fastest (automated) SMM panel!
  8. We have hired further support so expect quick responses to your issues!
  9. Instagram Services Due to a recent Instagram update, all developers are experiencing issues with certain like services. We are working our best to bring disabled services to you at the best price possible. IG like services delivery times may vary over the next week or so but we are doing our best to bring them back as fast as possible. We appreciate your patience with this while we bring you the best service possible. In the meantime, we will put a star emoji next to the best working Like services. All services improving We apologise for the downtime over the past few days. We are planning on increasing the quality of all services with low-dropping and quick services. This will be done over a time period so please do not expect this instantly. You can let us know of any low quality services via the ticket system.
  10. Tickets are being handled swiftly and we are up to date with all support as we have hired more support members. Expect much faster replies!
  11. All support is up to date and skrill can be accepted as a payment option - open up a ticket if you are interested in that!
  12. 587 - Instagram Followers [15K] [1H - 15K/D - R10] ♻ ⭐ - 0.24 / K 226 - Instagram Followers [30K] [iNDIA - 3H - 10K/D] - 0.40 / K 61 - Instagram Likes [40K] [iNSTANT - 40K/D] ⚡️ - 0.18 / K 590 - Instagram Likes [30K] [iNDIA - 1H - 30K/D] - 0.25 / K 295 - Twitch Prime Subscribers [1K] [48H] [2.0$ Each] ⭐ 153 - Twitch Affiliate Account ⭐ - 70.00 294 - Twitch TIN [Tax] Information ⭐ - 35.00 516 - Twitter Poll Votes [10M] [1H - 10K/D] - 1.00 / K 182 - Facebook Page Followers [10K] [12H - 1K/D - R30] - 3.00 / K 165 - Facebook Followers [5K] [12H - 1K/D - R30] - 2.10 / K 514 - Reddit Posts Upvotes [1K] [1H - 1K/D] ⚡️ ⭐ - 175.00 / K 515 - Reddit Comment Upvotes [1K] [1H - 1K/D] ⚡️ ⭐ - 175.00 / K 513 - Apple Music Plays [100K] [6H - 3K/D - R∞] - 6.00 / K 517 - All New LinkedIn Services 539 - Datpiff Services 585 - Flipagram Services 560 - Google Services 555 - Mixcloud Services 556 - ReverbNation Services 511 - Shazam Services 508 - Services 567 - Zomato Services 571 - Apple/Android Store Services Added these services! Let me know if you would like a trial!
  13. No vouch copies are being given as this is an established server across other sites. I'm happy to do a 50% discount for the first buyer though!
  14. I will grow your account with ACTIVE followers who will LIKE your content. While I can't guarantee a certain amount of followers (depending on the quality of your account, niche etc), I can give some estimates based off your niche. - Usually between 100-200 followers daily. These are all REAL people who are choosing to follow you and therefore, may like your content each upload. I have grown hundreds of accounts doing this & probably gained a total of over a million followers across many accounts. Requirements: Your account must be at least 3 months old (Or I can provide you with an aged account with OGE and full access for an additional cost) Cost: $20/ monthly, $5 if you want me to provide an aged account. I require access to your account in order to grow it and will also be providing you with weekly analytics on how your account is progressing & growing. Discord Bet#3149 Skype: tearful Kik: 1Bet Email: I have grown many accounts for many clients across multiple websites, please contact me for prior reviews!
  15. Added credit to your account! Let me know how it goes! Glad to see you are enjoying the service and it's working well for you :) Added! Feel free to let me know if you run into any issues.
  16. Want to get some trial credit? Simply like this thread & post your username and we will add some credit to your balance! Instagram Services: Instagram Followers: $0.08 per 1000 Instagram Mentions: $1.15 per 1000 Instagram Likes: $0.015 per 1000 Instagram Views: $0.001 per 1000 Facebook Services: Facebook Page Likes: $1.75 per 1000 Facebook Post Likes: $0.22 per 1000 Facebook Followers: $1.00 per 1000 Facebook 5 Star Rating: $10.00 per 1000 YouTube Services: YouTube Views: $0.26 per 1000 YouTube Subscribers: $8.80 per 1000 YouTube Likes: $4.50 per 1000 YouTube Dislikes: $4.50 per 1000 Twitter Services: Twitter Followers: $3.00 per 1000 Twitter Likes: $4.00 per 1000 Twitter Retweets: $4.00 per 1000 Twitter Views: $1.25 per 1000 *Please keep in mind we are constantly changing our prices to offer the cheapest service possible. Visit our website for current, up-to-date prices. CONTACT: Discord: Bet#0999 Skype: tearful Kik: 1Bet Email: Create Ticket: Website: [align=center]Our terms of service/refund policy apply on all purchases & deposits made on OGBoost. [/align]