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Everything posted by Nyk24

  1. Ok this isn't some online hack but to me it's a real offline hack. I am putting this out there to anyone who has this terrible disease or knows someone that does Now I put my Crohn's disease into remission not by some mumbo jumbo diet or by some special alternative therapy. I did it with antibiotics yes antibiotics - not something the doctors use to treat Crohn's disease with. There are only a handful of doctors that believe in this kind of treatment and I saw the only one in the UK who believes in this. For anyone interested in finding out more just Google AMAT therapy. It's not for everyone with Crohn's disease but don't dismiss it until you have looked into yourself. Any questions just ask or pm me of you prefer.
  2. Mines the size of a baby...........10lb 8oz lol
  3. Just think it would attract unwanted attention not just for the seller who is selling on one of the popular selling sites but the community as a whole. Surely?
  4. I hope this is the right place to post this but I've noticed that rather than some posters just selling on forums like this they are selling their offerings on popular selling sites. It's only a very small minority but I think if proven they should be banned from this and other similar forums. What do you guys think?
  5. Cool some nice stuff there, will you be adding anything else?
  6. Glad to have found this forum. I don't know much but I'm willing and excited to learn. I am worried about being banned so any tips you guys can give on that would be appreciated, thanks in advance.