New as to this site so opinion wont mean a whole lot but 'you all have phones right', phone gaming just isnt in the right area right now (aswell as pc gaming and such) for myself to enjoy it as most games are built around making more money and not making a beautiful game for the consumer, it seems game creators and companies have just been taking the easy way out for years, why think about a game when people will pay no matter what as theyll blindly fall into not being able to keep up with opponents or not being able to progress im always downloading a few games on my phone to one day be granted with an awesome sight but as soon as i open such a game theres a shop which leads to p2w content, pretty much every mobile game ive felt to be more a grind then a fun experience (im sure some of them are because weve been spoilt on pc earlier) but i still love some old dungeon crawlers just looting around every now and then. (gonna stop here cause ive got a feeling im spouting nonsense as i havnt slept for a few days and my brains breaking down)