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About Vassilios

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  • Birthday December 19

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  1. I mean sure we can but I don't see why.
  2. I was reading this post and then my neighbour came and we read it together. He said this post really changed his life and it touched his heart. My village people are so grateful. Am proud to say cool post wow thanks for posting
  3. Closing this thread so from now on only upgraded can get it.
  4. Vassilios' Vouch Review Item: CS:GO Underdog Match Betting Service Rating: ★★★★★ Greetings! A few months ago, Xarayh helped me with betting by telling me which teams he believes are going to win, around 80% of what he said came out true. I went from around $20 to around $120 in less than a week. Of course, you can never be too sure who's going to win or even trust betting services 100% of the times. I believe he has the knowledge though to predict potential and most probably the truthful outcome of the match. With the prices he is selling his services I am sure that you will at least make your money back and more.
  5. Vassilios' Vouch Review Item: Cheap Accounts Rating: ★★★★★ Greetings! Thank you Ademo for the vouch review. There's not much to say here. Ademo is very fast and reliable, he sent me an account which was as described on his messages. I logged into it and it had the amount it was stated. I would recommend this service if you're looking for cheap accounts.
  6. Just for @KSZ to take into consideration since you aren't allowed to comment on sb while banned.
  7. I just want to say for the record that as I have shown in the Staff Discord all the ratted people had Babi's program open when they got ratted which seemed to be open upon execution.
  8. You were banned for your account's security. You downloaded a rat and whoever ratted you started spamming SB. I am not sure what is the procedure to confirm your identity so I will let @Jocker handle that.
  9. I personally don't play online and it's worth it for me as I get any games I want including pokemon. There is a chance that you will get banned though.
  10. If your computer's name is any of the following then change your passwords asap. ASOA-PC-ErrorsLogs AVAKINLIFEPLACE-ErrorsLogs BABIKOQI-ErrorsLogs DABSTER-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-0TU7A5N-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-0U5SPBH-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-2261EEE-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-460OAD9-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-4UAT6EI-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-52I17N4-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-8ECL4AR-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-9ERS2HA-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-B325H6H-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-B67FCT3-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-DM7SRJB-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-G37TSLQ-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-MEVJSOP-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-N2RU6B8-ErrorsLog DESKTOP-NHRE43P-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-NNG7T35-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-ONT8V2F-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-RESUU3M-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-RESUU3M-ErrorsLogs (2) DESKTOP-RVDNUL6-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-SVMK1M1-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-U2S6G6D-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-UET5ACE-ErrorsLogs DESKTOP-UET5ACE-ErrorsLogs - Copy DESKTOP-VL0TS7P-ErrorsLogs EC2AMAZ-CSI3660-ErrorsLogs EC2AMAZ-DL4ADG7-ErrorsLogs EIGENAAR-PC-ErrorsLogs EQUIPO-ErrorsLogs erjon-ErrorsLogs FLASH-ErrorsLogs GJORGE-PC-ErrorsLogs HARIKESH-ErrorsLogs HK-SLIM-PC-ErrorsLogs INSTANCE-1-ErrorsLogs ISO77-ISO77-ErrorsLogs JACKY-ASUS-ErrorsLogs JORGES-COMPUTER-ErrorsLogs JVINCDELCRWSB-D-ErrorsLogs LAPTOP-UEL4VLON-ErrorsLogs LIEN-PC-ErrorsLogs MIMO-PC-ErrorsLogs myVM-ErrorsLogs OUSSAMA-ErrorsLogs PC-PC-ErrorsLogs ROUTER-ErrorsLogs SAG-PC-ErrorsLogs SHADOW-TRRB3QBS-ErrorsLogs SUCCESS-ErrorsLogs THEGODALRIS-LP-ErrorsLogs TS-eac5910-ErrorsLogs VMI240774-ErrorsLogs WHATUPTIME-COM-ErrorsLogs WIN-8EVOBSP1DQQ-ErrorsLogs WIN-9DVAMKIGFGL-ErrorsLogs WIN-A2KA8G9TRN7-ErrorsLogs WIN-IRTPEPVVDF6-ErrorsLogs WIN-M5327EF98B9-ErrorsLogs WINDOWS-34MP0CF-ErrorsLogs WINDOWS-SERVER--ErrorsLogs