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Everything posted by Dubbel

  1. Dman man always finding new free web hosting! I like it.
  2. Trying to get my friend, thanks for the share!
  3. Dubbel

    Custom Pinger

    Copy and paste this code into a text document. Save as .bat. User: Erin17 Pass: Erin16 @echo off title User Login set count=0 mode con cols=0 lines=0 :Andyhacks123 cls color 4a set /p User=User: color 6a set /p pass=Pass: if %pass%=="" goto fail if %pass%==Erin16 (goto start) else (goto fail) :fail cls set /a count+=1 color 0c echo Password entered was incorrect! set /a left=5-%count% if %count%==5 goto lock echo you have %left% out of 5 tries left. pause >nul goto Password :lock cls color 0c echo. echo LOCKED msg * Due to five incorrect passwords, this program will now exit. pause >nul exit :start mode con cols=70 lines=20 cls echo. color 5a echo Login Successful... Welcome! timeout /NOBREAK /T 5 >nul cls :menu echo. echo ---------------- echo : Andys Quick Access : echo : : echo ---------------- echo ------------------------------------------ echo 1. pinger title Visualz Servers color 4a echo off & cls set /p IP=Enter your IP Address : :top PING -n 1 %IP% | FIND "TTL=" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (SET OUT=4F & echo Nulled Offline Hoe.) ELSE (SET OUT=2F) color 4 ping -n 2 -l 10 >nul GoTo top
  4. I will try this method I doubt this will work. Thank you anyways for sharing.