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  1. lol dont buy off this guy, he scammed me, bought a 500k combo, he said i will get more than 5k hits i got 0 LOOOL, he then couldnt refund me since his paypal was in -100 dollars, how embarassing, hes not a real seller and his combos are shit.
  2. Lol we didnt scam him, here ive got screenshots of me getting 0 hits with his combo, hes in negative so he didnt refund me. he was then begging me not to chargeback i can provide with any other screenshots of whatever, he said i would get 5k plus hits, got 0 and then he said he will fix, i asked for refund and he didnt since his paypal is in -$100, how embarssing lol.
  3. DO NOT BUY OFF THIS SELLER Said i would get more than 5k hits if i pay extra, paid $40 for 500k combo, ZERO HITS 0 HITS GOT BETTER IN PUBLIC COMBOS, he did not reply on purpose because he knew, dont buy
  4. ugqfggui8qgfiuqgeiuqgbiuyqgiuybiubqge
  5. hfs9juhisfguihsdgiu8hsdgaiuhsdguihgsd
  6. iudfagasfioughfdauiohouihafsogufasgaofsoguafsougifa
  7. dgaoi hjdsipgjdgisooighdsohisdgoihsdgoijgdsf
  8. aouishhoufsaoifsaiosafiosafiosfaihofsahoifsahiihofsa